Call me by whatever label you wish, but you'll never even come close to describing my complexity, let alone comprehend it. And, at the same time, you just reveal your infantile simplicity, mediocrity and tragic inferiority.
Every time you open your mouth to insult me, you only put your own weakness and limitations on full display, for all to see. And, at the same time, you hand me the keys to your utter decimation and destruction.
Not very smart, considering that you never actually insulted me in the first place. You only think that because I allow it. My skin is quite a bit thicker than that, thank you very much. It has to be because I live in a world full of yous (the lowest common denominator)...
You trying to hurt me with words would be tantamount to disabling a tank by throwing small rocks, sticks and empty bottles at it.
Remember this, denizens of the lobby - to me you are as an insect to a goddess.... beneath my notice and not worth an instant of my valuable time.